Random Ramblings

Random Ramblings: Personal observations on a wide variety of subjects. Photographs of creatures and things that are taken on seeing the unusual as well as everyday things.

Saturday scramble

I have had a very busy week and now find myself with so many posts lined up I am still deciding which one I should complete first.

Whilst I am sorting out pictures and so forth, I would like to introduce you to a very interesting blog. This blog is the first blog that I exchanged links with and I have been in touch with its author ever since. Recently, Kikey has had a very interesting holiday and she managed to do regular posts of the places and people she saw on her very energetic trip. For those of you who would like to see some of the magical sights that she captured on film ... why not take a look: Kikey :)


Filipina Ini said...

Ill visit her site then. Am interested to know places as well. ^^

Anonymous said...

First to exchange links with? That is interesting. That must be some good rated blog too like yours . Lemme visti Kikey by now..

Anonymous said...

Its so kind of your to refer the blog to us and you are helpful to her as well to have some extra visits as we read your blog post.

tashabud said...

Thanks so much for advertising in my blog.


Anonymous said...

I visited the site - very interesting. The pictures taken at the Grand Canyon reminded me of my trip there last year.