Soft white lilac
They are bravely peeping out of their protective buds parading themselves to the elements. The white bush has already had one of its would be blossoms damaged by frost. You can see on the right-hand side the brown tinges where the green ball has been burnt by the crisp cold. It would be an unusual year if we didn't have any more frosts before May . . . will I have any remaining lilac blossoms from my two peeping Tom's?
Hey, all the way from Mongolia! You visited my blog recently, thanks! Your site is so detailed and well put together. I'm trying to get sites sorted for both my organisations. I'll take some tips from yours! I'm still in Mongolia and will be for forseeable future! Im going to tell my boss at the women farmers association about your site as she will really enjoy your blog!
Thank you for your lovely comment about my blog. Blog sharing appears to be making the world a smaller place and bringing everyone much closer together.
Oooohhh, I love lilacs! They smell heavenly. One of the fragrances that I'm enjoying here at home, is night blooming jasmine. It's everywhere this time of year. I just take a breath and sigh. Spring is so wonderful!!
Enjoyed your blog. The colors of the photos are really good. Our lines are so slow I could not see all that I wanted to see.
greetings from South Africa. I will be back.
Ericat - thank you for your lovely comment. It is lovely to see the additions people make to their blogs in between visits. No doubt yours will expand ... and if it is cold here I shall perhaps be able to feel the warmth from your blog. :o)
buds are like promises ... I hope yours come to fruition ... or to flowers perhaps in this case :)
Lovely pictures! I love the white lilac! They are so beautiful :D
ooooooooo I am jealous!
we won't see buds like that on my lilacs until May.
beautiful pictures you have here!
elow there... thx for visiting my blog... take care :D
Your lilacs are looking better than mine. I sure hope they still bloom this year; we've had some pretty hard and late frosts as well.
I am reading your blog with hailstones pouring down! Our weather is so unpredictable we are nervous to do any planting yet.
Your photos make it feel like spring even if the weather doesn't :O)
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