Random Ramblings
Speed reading
The other week there was a programme on television about speed reading and I began to wonder whether, in fact, the girl I knew somehow had mastered this technique. In speed reading it is said that knowledge is fast tracked to the short term memory where it is retained for very short periods (if you are lucky a few short weeks). It is worth testing out for fun .... the emphasis is on speed so you don't actually read the words you allow your brain to wash over the page. Apparently this is often done by placing a hand at the top of the page - opening the fingers and folding the smaller ones onto the palm of the hand. The eyes then follow the fingers as the hand is lightly moved from the top to the bottom of the page. Begin quite slowly and gently speed up - all the while keeping the eyes on the page at the point where the fingers are moving downwards.
It may well be linked to the fact that once we have attained a certain level of reading, our brains can process words without us reading them. This is an example that has done the email circuits - you may well have received a copy of this mail or one similar to it:
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!
Psas Ti ON !
Mulberry - dried mulberries
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we wash the clothes,
Wash the clothes, wash the clothes,
This is the way we wash the clothes,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we iron the clothes,
Iron the clothes, iron the clothes,
This is the way we iron the clothes,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we sweep the floor,
sweep the floor, sweep the floor,
This is the way we sweep the floor,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we mend the clothes,
Mend the clothes, mend the clothes,
This is the way we mend the clothes,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we pick up sticks,
Pick up sticks, pick up sticks,
This is the way we pick up sticks,
On a cold and frosty morning.
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush
On a cold and frosty morning.
:) little note - this was a teaching rhyme and mothers, grandmothers, aunties and teachers would often add other random lines in to either show a child or to see if a child knew how to do things: wash our hands, face, dust, hoe, darn, etc.
Garden pond
Verrucas - Plantar warts
There are several ways of dealing with verrucas - perhaps the most unusual I have ever heard about was disclosed on a BBC programme called 'Street Doctor.' One of the doctor's on this programme suggested the use of Duct tape. The foot should be washed and dried thoroughly before applying a small piece onto the verruca and leaving in place for a SIX days - (if the tape falls off during this period a fresh piece needs to be applied) the tape has to then be removed and the verruca soaked in warm water for five minutes then the rough skin surrounding the area has to be gently rubbed down with a pumice stone or emery board. The foot needs to be rested over night and should be allowed to have air get to it. The following day the process is then repeated for a further six days, and so on until the virus dies and the verruca goes away. On average most verrucas are cleared up within 28 days or really bad ones within two months using Duct tape. Studies are still going on to find out why! If you would like to read more then go to the Patient Uk website at: http://www.patient.co.uk
English country garden
Blog Maps
My favourite visitor map is by Clustrmap and for those who would like to add one then you can obtain one for free from: http://clustrmaps.com/
I have now finally moved my Clustrmap nearer to the top of the page - so I shall see if this tip works!
Little added note: This appears to be working. I have been asked if I know why this - apparently the higher up the blog that the map is located means that it is more likely to be loaded as one of the first items. If the map is low down then a person may have clicked onto your blog or website checked out what they are looking for and be off before the map has finished loading - that will then not count as a visit!!Consumption
Note: It has long been known that fresh air has anti-bacterial and sterilisation properties - it also helps to make people, animals and items of clothing smell fresh and sweet. Enjoy fresh air - it's free!
Green garden
School dinners
I remember the fact that with each course - there was no choice - if you didn't like it you still had to eat it ... I can remember, on occasion that some pupils would remain in the canteen for a good part of the afternoon stuggling to eat something that they disliked.
Blooms and blossoms have arrived!
I have now made a Twitter account
The Vampire
Action - apiary
Last year I discovered 'the leaf cutter bee' - I had never seen one before until it began to build a nest in my little insect house. This year, to my surprise - the bees have returned! After purchasing my insect house, it had remained empty for so long, I thought that it had been a total waste of money then, in the spring of last year, my interest was aroused when I noticed one or two of the bamboo canes that make up the top half of it apparently filled with mud. At this time, I never found out what small creature had sealed up these canes - but now, at last, I know. Just over three weeks ago the beautiful bees returned - four of them - and started buzzing up to the holes, briefly touching them then flying off. This carried on for at least a week and then they began to clean out the holes with a type of sawing action of their small but apparently powerful jaws. Debris was shifted out at a fast rate leaving the canes looking neat and relatively clean. Then they started flying to and from the holes very carefully choosing specific ones. Lastly the holes have been sealed with what looks like a type of clay or mud. Although I saw the canes blocked with mud last year I watch as they began to chew circles in my rose leaves and fuchsia plants, etc so I never placed the sealed canes with bee action - I thought that the holes sealed with mud must have been done by a different insect - but now I know this appears to be the first phase of the leaf cutter bee nursery!
Blood blisters - mouth
Best advice if you do suffer with such blood blisters - firstly see a doctor; secondly read the labels on everything you buy and try not eating wheat for a few weeks (this includes sauces, ready-made meals, many sweets and so on). This may, if you're lucky, be sufficient to cure the problem - if not then possibly wheat might have to be excluded from your diet for a much longer period of time. Point to remember: many food items do not list wheat as an ingredient (including some chocolate bars, liquorice and confectionery) - it is wise to consider looking for wheat free products.
Since writing this post, additional posts have been added that include further information:
Sizzling Sunday
Scorching Saturday
Wonderful weather - merry May
Vaccination - protection for all
Mouth ulcers - canker sores
A while ago a friend told me that she had been troubled with them for years. Over the counter products simply didn't work for her so she had to visit the doctor - over and over and over again. No matter what she was given the ulcers were persistent. She had a chance conversation with an old friend and happened to mention them. To her surprise her old friend said "What toothpaste do you use?" She used several - all well known makes. "I know what the cause of your ulcers are." she was told - "It's the foaming agent in the toothpaste - use ones without foaming agents and they'll clear up."
It sounded too good to be true - but she began to read the labels and found ones without the foaming agents and the ulcers disappeared. She has not had a mouth ulcer since.
It makes you wonder what we are putting into our mouths - and how many of us have had these painful ulcers because of it!
~ Little note: mouth ulcers take longer to heal if the diet is short of vitamin B12 ~
"White Rabbits!"
Sayings for May "Cast not a clout ~ until May is out." - This refers to a warning - not changing into summer clothes until the May blossom on the hawthorn is in flower - to protect against chills and other ailments. "Never shear the sheep in May or they'll be sheared all away." - May often has several very cool days. Traditionally it is the time for the Maypole - when children would perform complex dance patterns whilst holding colourful long ribbons that would form a plait down the pole - then the dance continued as the plait was unravelled. The tallest Maypole in the British Isles once stood in London where it remained until being chopped down in 1717. It is said that this pole was used by Sir Isaac Newton when a large pole was needed to support a new reflecting telescope. On another note ... poor people often used to eat rabbits years ago but if rabbit meat is not supplemented with a variety of vegetables and occasional grain then malnutrition occurs and a swift death.
We need certain nutrients to process our food and aid digestion - this is so that we can extract vitamins and minerals, etc and expel the waste product through the bowel. Unlike other meat, rabbit meat doesn't contain the necessary nutrients to aid this process - our body has to deplete its own valuable resources of nutrients to dispose of the rabbit meat. Thus causing eventual starvation.