Random Ramblings

Random Ramblings: Personal observations on a wide variety of subjects. Photographs of creatures and things that are taken on seeing the unusual as well as everyday things.

Arte y Pico Award

I have received an Arte y Pico award. It was awarded to me with much thoughfulness by a lady who is inspirational in her words of wisdom and advice so may I say a special thank you to Debbie who has a wonderful blogspot called MamaFlo's Place

"The "Arte y Pico" award was created and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing, artwork in all media's. When you receive this award it is considered a "special honour". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to at least 5 others." The special blogs I have chosen to pass this award on to are as follows:

The first blog, Health Nut Wannabee Mom is a place a visit that is both informative and interesting and I delve enthusiasitcally into her many rich posts. The second blog, Eastcoastlife always has something new and is festooned with so many photographs. The third blog, Patsy's Words of Wisdom has some interesting glimpses of life. The fourth blog, Chica and Pumuckl is a wonderful mixture of two beautiful cats. The fifth, ReenaShwina is an extensive mixture of so many things and you only find out her daily topic by a visit.

And please if you have a few moments to spare and enjoy a good read visit Debbie's blogspot by clicking onto her link below:


Ana said...

Thank you so so much for passing this award to me! I am speechless!

Thanks again and have a great day!

eastcoastlife said...

Ooo.... thank you for the award!! Wow! I have to choose my 5 bloggers to give this award and that is tough.... there are so many good bloggers!!