Random Ramblings

Random Ramblings: Personal observations on a wide variety of subjects. Photographs of creatures and things that are taken on seeing the unusual as well as everyday things.

Pigeon coo

A pigeon camped out on the bird table roof top. It simply sat and sat and sat. The cat went by and it didn’t flutter a feather. Other birds came and went pecking at seeds and fruit … but the pigeon was virtually motionless until a second pigeon flew onto the bird table. Then the second pigeon, took off into the air turned a complete circle and flew directly at the sitting bird like a spitfire in a dog fight. The startled creature flew a short way and landed on a piece of garden furniture and the second pigeon again bombed at the first with its beak jutting straight as a spear. I went out to take a look at the proceedings unsure what was really happening. It seems that the original bird who had so diligently sat on the bird table roof top had some kind of problem with its beak. There was a large lump on one side of it, perhaps a growth as the beak didn’t look split in any way. Before I could make a decision about what to do the second pigeon attacked again. The poorly pigeon flew into an apple tree and then onto the fence but the other pigeon was relentless in its attack.

Since then, I have been looking out for the bird with a lump on its beak but … so far it has not returned to the garden.

Pigeon on bird table roof top joined by second pigeon which later attacked it

Pigeon on floor later becoming violent 

Pigeon with type of growth on its beak

Pigeon on bird table roof top …


Sandi said...

I don't see many pigeons where I am at. I would be fascinated watching that too. I feel sorry for the pigeon who was getting beat up though!

heidi said...

Poor pigeon!! I hope it is okay and you it returns. You know I would be helping you look for it if I were there:) Hope you are doing well and looking forward to many pics and posts of your outdoor life and garden.

Dwacon said...

I don't mind the coo but I hate the poo...